Ladybugs require surprisingly little in order to thrive, only really needing their prey (aphids), a little water and some sticks and branches to shelter under and climb on.
Cavity nesters lay their eggs in small holes–like those in wood made by birds and insects, or in dried hollow reeds or stems.
Grass-carrying wasps prefer to lay their eggs in nests made above ground, unlike some other solitary wasps...The brood cells are prepared with a lining of grass and provisions of tree crickets for the larvae to feed on.
Dave's SKIP BB's / Welcome to Permies! / Permaculture Resources / Dave's Boot Adventures & Longview Projects
I certify this BB complete!
Bruce Katlin
Mike Haasl wrote:This is a badge bit (BB) that is part of the PEP curriculum. Completing this BB is part of getting the sand badge in Animal Care.
In this Badge Bit you will make a hotel for beneficial insects. If you use pallets, do not use the blue ones. They are covered in toxic ick.
To complete this BB, the minimum requirements are:
- it must facilitate at least three different critters
- it must be designed to do a halfway decent job of protecting them from rain
- natural materials and steel/wood fasteners (no glue, plywood, stain, paint)
To show you've completed this Badge Bit, you must:
- post a pic under construction
- post a pic of your finished insect hotel in its final location
- describe what critters you facilitate and how
Bruce Katlin
Someone flagged this submission as not complete.
BBV price: 1
Note: The OSB wood you used for the first layer violates this requirement: natural materials and steel/wood fasteners (no glue, plywood, stain, paint)
Meg Sweet
Nicole Alderman approved this submission.
Note: I hereby certify that this badge bit is complete! So many cute different habitats!
Ash Jackson approved this submission.
Jen Fulkerson approved this submission.
Note: good job.
Paul Fookes flagged this submission as not complete.
BBV price: 1
Note: Ply is not allowed to be used for this Badge Bit. If you can swap out the ply top and bottom and use other dimensional lumbar to can be certified complete. It is a great project otherwise
"If we are not willing to fail we will never accomplish anything. All creative acts involve the risk of failure." - Madeleine L'Engle
Paul Fookes approved this submission.
Note: I certify this BB complete. Well done
Jessica Michell wrote:Started our first bug hotel with some left over wood scraps and a brick I found digging in our back yard.
We added the brick for solitary bees, sticks and twigs for ladybugs, pine cones for beetles and moths, and some dead leaves and bark for other insects.
The top overhangs to shelter it from rain.
Put together with screws, and tension where possible, no glue.
I found a website where they built a HUGE one at the Smithsonian. Those are goals.
Someone approved this submission.
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